Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hello Everyone,

The primary goal for this blogging module was for each of you to become familiar with the medium and therefore, have a chance to improve your communications skills - effective and efficient is the goal!

The secondary goal for this module was for you to become stronger as a group by posting items that reflect you and providing commentary on others' posts that is both constructive and respectful. A strong group in business makes for strong committment, powerful effect, and positive influence in an organization.

I appreciated the sincerety with which you posted and commented. I appreciate the constructive advice you gave each other (i.e. Pam's get-them-to-help-out-with-new-dishes comment). You have the workings for a strong relationship, whether it be personal or professional, as you seem to have taken to heart the fact that media such as this is a permanent archive.

Congratulations on your work; as you all contributed to both the blog posts (3%) and the comments 3%), you will all receive full marks.

It has been a pleasure to view your blog and to work with you this term.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey guys,

wanna share a beautiful blog, especially if you like to travel. There has many beautiful views wold wide, famous views and unfamous views, but they are all special. They are not super fancy. They are more likely the pictures that makes you feel closed to our everyday life. Those are the views that we might see in famous places, but we sometimes ignor them. Such as the picture taken in Saskatoon. It's not a super fancy picture, but it makes me feel peaceful. It makes me think about old couples who loves each other for many years and sitting together on that chair, gazing the clear lake quietly without any words. It is the power better than the saying any words.

Here's the picture and the link.

You can view more pictures by clicking the link.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Since our Corporate Report will educate us on greening, I thought the following blog might give us some information to ponder. The above picture comes from the blog.
Some things I liked about this blog are as follows:
1. wide range of topics and information on going green from food, fasion, oil sands
2. helps one be informed about development
3. gives links to other blogs/websites
4. it is educational
Two things I disliked about the blog are first, I found it too graphic in areas, and secondly, too many links

The picture comes from The Party Dress. A friend of mine introduced me to this Blog. It has some real fun ideas for kids/adult get-togethers.
LIKES: 1. The fun ideas
2. All the color gives me a happy feeling
3. It is catagorized
DISLIKES: 1. I get tempted to purchase from advertisements
2. The ideas are so good and fun to look at that I spend too much time on it.
This is a picture from Country Living Magazine.
Although this Blog is not as colorful as "The Party Dress" blog, I found I my likes and dislikes about the blog similar.

This is a snap shot of our babysitter and her puppy Molly. Their family blog is Echoes Of Laughter.

The blog title tells alot about this family and their blog. The family is well connected and spend much time together having fun. They are just great people! Since they are the only family members in the West, I like how they are able to share their happenings with friends and family in Nova Scotia. Since this blog is on a personal level, I find it tough to find flaws with it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My second web page

Hi again.

My second web page that I will recommend is for ladies ( men can find it useful too, if they are looking for a perfect present for their other half ).
This website is all about jewellery. The owner makes her jewellery from natural crystals and beads by hand. She creates her own designs, which are unique and work for glamorous parties as well as every day life. The website looks very professional. There are a lot of pictures of the owner's work. The page is updated and refreshed very frequently.

But there are somethings that need to be done on the page. The website lacks a little color and I think it needs more information and content.

For more information go to


My favorite

Hi everyone.

Take a look at this page about Canadian Festivals. In my opinion its really useful and it brings Canadians together. On this website, you can easily find out what events are taking place in what province. If you are going on vacation, using this page will help a tourist plan their trip. You can also read about the origin of the festival.

I recommend this page for all Canadians and for newcomers. Here is the link :

At the moment the page is not complete. It is missing a few festivals and the French version. The site is easy to navigate and is well organized.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blogs Hazvineyi likes

A slice of South Africa: My first choice is the blog "Izibongi" a travel around all the great places the country has to offer. The blog is easy to navigate, and has wonderful photography. It is a feast of the eyes. Please take a look on the link below:

A little taste of the planet: My secound choice is Planet Organic blog, it is full of colour. Again it is easy to use, and has a lot of useful information. There are recipes, discounts, upcoming community events. True they are marketing the company, but they are doing it in an esy to read fashion. The blog is a cookbook/ local paper online. Take a peak at the "greek quasedillas" pictured above.
A link to the blog:

I hope you enjoy them as i did. Hazvineyi

A slice of South Africa:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

PS - What happened to your paragraphing? Ensure your postings reflect your professionalism.